Thursday, January 25

L'Abbé Pierre's legacy lives on : Les Enfants de Don Quichotte

Nous sommes les enfants des hommes libres qui se sont fait, ici comme ailleurs, les porte-paroles des sans voix. L'abbé Pierre fut l'un de ces hommes. Il nous a quitté aujourd'hui mais, ici comme ailleurs, l'insupportable misère demeure. A l'instar des ces hommes libres, nous ne cesserons de dire notre honte et de poursuivre le combat pour la dignité de tous.

The scenery in Paris has changed -- a distinct cherry red has been added to the palette and bright splashes of the colour has been painted all along the edge of Le Canal du St Martin...
In a brilliant stroke of genius, Les Enfants de Don Quichotte have continued the legacy of L'Abbé Pierre and not only provided shelter in this bitter winter weather for many, but also shown the government up for doing what they should be doing and are not.
L'Abbé Pierre did that brilliantly -- on an almost daily basis put egg on the faces of governments around the world. --- If a small band of energetic, innovative, enthusiastic and caring people can provide shelter for hundreds - overnight and at minimal cost, why can the government not do the same - and better?
Too busy twiddling with their political spinning wheels. Too busy seeking recognition for themselves. Too busy making impossible promises for the future in order to get your vote, in order to ................. (fill in rest of sentence of your choice)

Augustin Legrand (pictured left) and Jean-Baptiste Legrand, two brothers, formed the non-profit association "les Enfants de Don Quichotte" with which they are now continuing the legacy of L'Abbé Pierre -- in keeping the plight of the homeless in the sights and minds of the governments -- and us, the people.

Bon Courage, Les Enfants de Don Quichotte!

(If you wish to donate money towards their good work, please e-mail Augustin or Jean-Baptiste at or go directly to their site where you can subscribe - and add your splash of red to the scenery of Paris!)

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