Wednesday, July 14

Liberté, égalité, fraternité It is Bastille Day in France: 14 July!

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

Stepping outside my front door this morning, I could attend the always moving ceremony of the French citizens celebrating their freedom, their equality and their brotherhood.

A small band of trumpets and drum, the ancient veterans wheeled out for the occasion, the flags and banners proudly presented, the mayor in his sash and importance -- on the little square next to the chateau under the memorial for the village's brave and dead, the playing of the Marseillaise -- I cannot help but well up and blink away the tears.

The small crowd grows still as we maintain a minute silence -- and you wonder what it is that goes through everyone's mind -- the veteran standing proud but almost slightly bent under the weight of all his medals, the young boy that looks up in awe at the banner bearers with tears on their cheeks...

The MC announces the Marseillaise and everyone smiles -- nothing like the stirring worlds of the French anthem arms, citizens, let the blood of the enemy drench our fields... Then the solemnity of the moment is broken when the drummer lets out a loud "merde!" when his one drum butterfly nut falls off and everyone laughs...

This beautiful little ceremony once again conjured up the amazing spirit of this community since the beginning of time -- when they never ever let any enemy of the principles /epitomised in their motto, freedom, equality and brotherhood, get them under or overpower them. The Lindois have fought against oppression through the centuries -- the local Occitanes fought -- and won against the Roman invaders, the Hundred year War was fought -- and won within a radius of 50km from Lalinde, the Huguenot movement had its origins -- and success in this region, and during the Second World War the Resistance was stronger and more successful in this region, than any other -- this being the only region where not a single German train managed to get through.

The spirit of the people here is an inspiration to us all.

Liberty consists of being able to do anything that does not harm others: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of every man or woman has no bounds other than those that guarantee other members of society the enjoyment of these same rights.

Equality: The law must be the same for all, whether it protects or punishes. All citizens, being equal in its eyes, shall be equally eligible to all high offices, public positions and employments, according to their ability, and without other distinction than that of their virtues and talents.

Fraternité, the most problematic to insert in the triad, as it belongs to another sphere, that of moral obligations rather than rights, links rather than statutes, harmony rather than contract, and community rather than individuality.

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité apparently finds its origins in a May 1791 proposition by the Club des Cordeliers, following a speech on the Army by the marquis de Guichardin.

Click on Link:
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