Saturday, April 14

The sparks are flying in a Dordogne Chateau!

Between Dead Boilers and and Live Birthdays, this has to be the most fiery April Chateau Lalinde has experienced in a long time!

I imagine that any building that was born a certain number of years ago, HAS to start showing some signs of ageing. The few wrinkles here and there, the slightly sagging bits, the subtle loss of elasticity and colour, the droopiness and creakiness and aches and pains that come with a "certain age", have to be expected -- and have to be lived with.
And I suppose that for the Chateau Lalinde that was born in 1269 -- that is 738 years ago -- it is natural that here and there things are going to start giving up the ghost. --------Not, you understand, that I want to make you believe that the 300 litre boiler that has been huffing and puffing away down in the original dungeon of the chateau and providing hot water to a house often full of guests and who will insist on all taking showers or baths at the exact same moment in the mornings or evenings, and faithfully providing heating during those freezing cold months in the Dordogne, pumping the hot water up through the creaking pipes into the radiators of even the furthest rooms, could possibly have been doing this for the last 738 years!
Although -- when I look at the insides of it, I have to wonder whether that is not perhaps true after all..........And when I look at the walls and doorways through which the dead boiler now has to be taken out, I wonder some more...........

Anyway -- the boiler has died, and the undertakers are, as we speak, preparing the body for burial. ---------- The only problem now is how do we get the boiler out of the dungeon -- without breaking down walls, bringing in the troops to carry the dead weight, getting a 300 litre tank up the narrow stairs....

The first angle grinder blew up, the second angle grinder burnt out, the third did the trick.........

The funeral service and last post is at sunset today.
Please send donations, in lieu of flowers, to the New Boiler Fund.

And the birthday? I am showing the same signs of wear and tear as the chateau -- but I promise my good friends they will not need three angle grinders to get me out of the chateau -- no matter what the ravages of age!

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