Monday, October 4

A week of interviews and good news

It has been a busy week with lots of excitement. An hour-long interview by *Julie Jézéquel on **Bergerac Radio - in French - and not my best, I must admit. Sooooooooo frustrating to have so much to say and not have the means to express those thoughts! Listening back I was not too happy with my delivery -- definitely not my golden (60)moment(s) but great fun, nevertheless. I had to also choose three pieces of music to be played during the hour - and what a challenge! To find three pieces only that represent different parts of your life! It turned out that my three choices hit the right spot as far as the people at the studios were concerned -- Asimbonanga. The French absolutely adore Johnny Clegg and still mourn the end of Savuka. He visited Bergerac only two years ago when he toured France and one would think it was a visit from the President himself the way they go on about it! The second piece of course had to be Leonard Cohen, my life-long love, and my last choice, Vincent Delerm's Fanny Ardent et moi got a few nods and smiles as well. You probably wonder how these three choices reflect my life? mmmmmm Quite well, in fact...
Then off to another lengthy interview with a delightful Carol Miers about The Way of Stars and Stones - Thoughts on a Pilgrimage, general thoughts on pilgrimages and a fascinating discussion on spirituality.
Then, another great event -- the Frankfurt Book Fair where my book is being presented and where, finally, discussions are taking place, as we speak, about its translation into French and publication in France. Watch this space!...

*Julie Jézéquel works part-time at Radio Bergerac where her programme Les Rendez-Vous de Julie
is an all time favourite. Once a week, for one hour, she interviews someone interesting, controversial or colourful -- 'simply for the pleasure of getting know another interesting person'. Her easy conversational style and the infectious laughter in her voice make for excellent listening. Probably not surprising that Julie is such a professional interviewer -- she is also a well-known actress, script writer and, now, author of her first novel which appeared August 2009.
Julie can be heard on Bergerac Radio on Fridays at 16h00, Sunday at 10h00 and Tuesdays at 21h0. She can currently be seen in the Moliere festival of Le théâtre de la Gargouille - this weekend they are performing in Beaumont:
# Friday 8 October àt 21h: « Les Précieuses Ridicules »
# Saturday 9 October àt 21h: « Macadam Tonic »

**Radio Bergerac was launched in June, 1981 - a radio from our region, for our region and by the people of this region. It was an instant hit in the region -- people of the area loved that there was a radio so close to their interests and their hearts. It provides local news that is relevant and current

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