Monday, May 24

Never hurt anyone

Picked a young couple up this weekend who had been involved in a brawl and wanted to get way from it all. They were about 20-22 years old. He looked your typical chave type person and she looked very similar.

Anyway the conversation was along the lines of him looking for a job and how he would like to work so he can support his girlfriend and he went on to say that he cant understand why he gets turned down for jobs as he is not a violent person and has never hurt anyone in his life and he doesnt have a criminal record for violence.

Then in the next breath he tells me that he recently came out of prison for robbery but he's never been violent. No wonder he cant get a job and surely I would havew thougth that robbery would have a degree of violence to it as the person being robbed would have felt threatened. I mentioned this to him and his response - I may have robbed someone but I didnt hurt them so that makes it OK. - Sorry, but in my book, that doesnt make it ok. Just because youve served the time does not mean you have been rehabilitated.
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