Saturday, February 27

PHEW! Chateau Lalinde survived the storm!

meteo map yesterday

METEO - Il est conseillé d'éviter les déplacements...

Four departments (Charente-Maritime, Vendée, Vienne, Deux-Sèvres) were put on red alert yesterday in preparation of one of the worst storms to hit France since --- well... since the last one a year ago! -- but apparently it should have been the entire southwest region -- Dordogne was badly hit by the storm last night and Chateau Lalinde shook on its foundations.

France was warned to stay indoors and batten the hatches during the night, but I can tell you it was frightening -- even behind the doors and the battened hatches! There were moments when I was sure the roof was going to be lifted off this 950 year old buildingby the winds that apparently exceeded 150km per hour . I stayed up all night and paced the floors, going from room to room to make sure none of the windows had smashed open or that too much water was being pushed underneath the doors.
Everything is in place this morning -- my window boxes on the terrace are all gone -- obviously washed away down the river, but seems the roof is still intact and the walls still standing.

I am sure not everyone was as lucky -- and my thoughts go out to them!

Click on Link:

  • Chateau Lalinde : The perfect venue for your event

  • Relocation Orientation in France

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