Wednesday, March 26

Carla Sarkozy's naked portrait goes on sale

The new First Lady of France is considered to be one of the most beautiful women -- and it would be hard to contest that fact -- especially when you have done what everyone with a computer has been doing daily for the last few months -- searching for a nude photograph of her. It is not difficult -- the search engines are quick and ready to oblige. But today, on the day that the French President Sarkozy and his lovely wife were welcomed by the queen on a very important state visit to Britain in an attempt to revive the links between these two countries, the news that enjoyed even more publicity and larger headlines, was perhaps not what the French president would have wanted to see ----

From Charles Bremner's online blog , this the breaking news of the day:

One of the most common French searches on the internet lately has been "Carla Bruni nue". The former super-model posed in her previous life for numerous nude sessions with well-known photographers. By now sets of their work must have done the rounds of just about every French office. Next month, Christie's saleroom in New York is offering the chance to buy an original, at an estimated 4,000 dollars.

The snap, taken by Michel Comte, dates from 1993. The photographer made the future première dame de France, then 25, mime a famous painting by Georges Seurat called les Poseuses (below).

Christies said that it had no qualms about exposing the French president's wife to the public gaze. She was, they said "one of the most beautiful women in the world" and the picture is a work of art. "It was taken when Mademoiselle Bruni was a model and it is a naked portrait in good taste taken by a well known and respectable artist," the Christie's spokeswoman told Agence France-Presse.

The photograph comes from a collection which includes works by Helmut Newton, Herb Ritts, Richard Avedon et Leni Riefenstahl. Other nudes in the collection include Kate Moss et Naomi Campbell. The sale is to be staged on April 10 -- unless Sarko's image-minders pre-empt it. In the meantime France has spent the day clicking onto the Nouvel Observateur site which is showing the picture. This, you may remember, was the site that incurred Sarko and Bruni's wrath by publishing the text message in which the president was supposed to have asked Cécilia, his last wife, to come back a week before he married Bruni. They seem to be asking for trouble.

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