Wednesday, March 29

An Eclipse of the Sun!

Although Lalinde is no ones centre of the universe, even here we have seen the eclipse of the sun today -- in fact, a 23,6% eclipse which started at 11h29, reached its maximum at 12h23 and disappeared again at 13h19. I stood out on the terrace of the chateau and followed the moon's sinister course across the face of the sun, and wondered what my ancestors thought 6-700 years ago when they stood in that same spot and saw the same phenomenon!

A phenomenon which is quite common, seeing as we experience eclipses on average twice a year, and to which we can add the more frequent lunar eclipses as well -- but a phenomenon which never ceases to amaze and delight me.

Most eclipses are partial -- the projected shadow of the moon reaches over 7000 kilometers, whilst the central zone of its extent, the spot where the eclipse is concentrated, is only 260 kilometers wide -- not a large shadow, after all!

Since Claude Ptolémée in the 2nd century we have known about eclipses and how they come about, and since the 18th century we have been able to forcast when these phenomena will take place. And of course, since the advent of computers, that which took the ancient atronomers at least a month to calculate --- the course and duration of the eclipse, ---we can now calculate in a few seconds.

Since the beginning of time, eclipses were associated with catastrophes and major events -- such as the fall of Constantinople and the battle of Alexander against Darius. This time should prove no exception.

It took scientists a lot of persuading to assure people that the last full eclipse of the sun in 1999 had nothing to do with the two huge earthquakes which happened straight after -- where more than 20 000 people were killed.

Would the people of Israel see the eclipse perhaps as the sign from heaven that they have elected the right/wrong new leader in Olmert?

And in Niger, where the eclipse should be almost total today, a high muslim cleric has called the believers in this country to collective prayer as the eclipse is seen as a "sign that order should be re-established".

Let us wait and see --- and particularly in the areas where it will be total darkness during the middle of the day today, namely Ghana, Togo, Bénin, Nigeria, Niger, Libia, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, the south of Russia and Kazakhstan --- about 600 kilometers from Almaty where the final power of the moon over the sun will be seen today.

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