Thursday, September 11

Learning French : Know who to call! A list of tradesmen

With thanks to the Dordogne Info site, this handy list when you need a specialist handyman or service (the comments, however, are from personal experience):

Un artisan (indépendant)
A (self-employed) craftsman
(careful of fly-by-nights!)

Un charpentier
A carpenter

Un ébéniste

A cabinet maker
(if IKEA soen'e have what you need!)

Un carreleur

A tiler
(make sure you get a sober one or your floor will look like a Gaudi creation)

Un couvreur de toît de chaume
A thatcher
(as if a Brit will put a thatch roof on his newly restored house!)

Un électricien
An electrician

Un menuisier
A joiner

Un maçon

A builder, a bricklayer
(usually the cousin of the son-in-law of the femme de menage of your neighbour.. Welcome to the family!)

Un peintre

A painter
(the paint is never included in the price -- be aware - and the ceiling will need painting too for you are sure to hit it when you get the quote!)

Un plombier

A plumber
(make friends with this man! The pipes are so old and clogged with calcium, you are going to need him once a week for the rest of your days. He generally also looks after the heating)

Un ramoneur

Chimney sweep
(if you afre lucky enough to have a big fireplace! By law it has to be done once a year -- so look for one that doesn't eat too much or he won't fit next year and you have to start looking for a new one all over again)

Un serrurier

A locksmith
(and he is not attached to a shoe repair shop!)

Un vitrier

A glazier

Un chantier
A building site
(where the guys wistle when you walk past -- just as rthey do everywhere else in the world)

Le début, la fin

The beginning, the end
(The two will feel like years apart -- probably because they are -- so put this aside for later for by the time you get to La fin you will have forgotten the word)

Les délais
(you don't have to memorize this word -- it will come up so often, you will learn it by osmosis)

La fourniture

The supply
(is always in question. Out of stock.... due to les délais.... so what's new?)

Un label

A guarantee of quality

Un litige
A dispute
(Ha ha ha! -- i.e. keep you sense of humour)

Le matériel, les matériaux
The equipment

Le personnel
The staff

Un service après vente
After-sales service
(Wasn't aware there was such a word in French....)

Un téléphone portable

A mobile phone
(make sure it is shock proof and watger proof -- you are sure to throw it a few times)

Les travaux
The work
(that's what it is all about -- but not during lunch hour)

To insure

Le bouche à oreille
Word of mouth
(still the best reference)


To choose
(only after you have listened to Le bouche à oreille)

Une connaissance
An acquaintance
(be careful of those - they usually expect to get a share of the pay cheque)

To ask
(you can try...)

To consider, contemplate

Etre en règle
To be in order
(lucky you!)

To demand
(you can try this too...)

Se fier à l’avis de

To trust the opinion of
(Le bouche à oreille)

Joindre quelqu’un
To reach someone
(but not after hours or on a weekend)


To recommend
(if you are very lucky)

Une agence immobilière
Estate agency
(when all else fails and you want to sell and bail out)

Les syndicats professionnels

Professional trade unions
(they are in Paris -- on another planet)

La mairie
The town hall
(you will get to know it well. Take your coffee flask with you)

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