Thursday, November 24

Roundabouts? The French do it with flair!

For the last twenty years, the French roads have become acquainted with roundabouts -- more than 20,000 of them in fact! --- but trust the French to make something special of these traffic 'installations' that not only help the traffic flow more easily and help cut down on the pollution, but now also add pizzazz to the French countryside!

Carrefours giratoires they are called -- and the French may not always know how to use them, but they definitely know how to make them beautiful!

with a bit of humour.........

A tribute to Gaudi.......

and from very imposing........

to the tranquility of a Zen stone garden....

Let us not forget the French sense of humour.....

Or where their priorities lie... or their appreciation of colour and design

  • French Roundabouts

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