Thursday, November 10

Bread! Glorious French Bread!

What? No bread? Then let them eat cake!

Ha! No way, Mme Marie-Antoinette! It is the bread we want!

Bread is a staple food in France. The typical loaf of French bread is called "une baguette", which means stick or wand. It is about 60 cm long and weighs 500 grammes. French people like their bread crusty, and this shape of loaf offers the maximum amount of crust to bread.

French bread contains no fat, so it becomes stale very quickly. This is why people visit the local "Boulangerie" (hot bread shop) at least once a day. Bread is eaten at all three meals, and forms the most important part of breakfast.

When in France, you will often see people riding bikes, mopeds or motorbikes with baguettes strapped to the back, or walking the streets with their baguette under their arm racing to get home for lunch at midday.

Some different types of French bread.

Boule: A round loaf sold in various sizes.
Ficelle: A very thin version of the baguette. Ficelle means string in French.
Fougasse: A flat rectangular bread often filled with bacon, onion or herbs.
Gros pain A large family size version of a baguette.
Pain de campagne: This is usually a big rustic loaf (campagne means country) with a thick crust.
Pain complet: Loaf made from whole wheat flour.
Pain de mie: Mie means the interior. This is a soft sweet loaf mainly used for sandwiches.
Pain aux noix: Bread filled with nuts.
Pain aux raisins: A light bread filled with raisins. A breakfast treat.
Pain de siegle: Loaf with two thirds rye flour, one third wheat flour.
Pain viennois: A baguette shape but softer and sweeter.

The best boulangerie in France -- right here in Lalinde!

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