Friday, July 6

France Bleu Radio comes to the Dordogne

The delightful - and colourful! Eugène Lampion from France Bleu drove over from Libourne this morning to the Aquitaine Langues Language School to interview a motley crew of expats living in the area.

Much laughter and fun was had by all as we waited our turn to be 'taken outside for grilling'. A bit like waiting for your turn in the oral exams at school, except none of my teachers or professors had quite the charm of this 'examiner'!

Because he did not want any of us to know what the others were saying, each one was taken outside in the sunshine to be interviewed - and somehow the warmth of the sun struggling to get through the clouds did help with the fluency of thoughts and language. Afterwards -- should it have been before? - there was a table beautifully laid with every delicious bit of cheese and fruit and some special wine that Albert Croce, our French language guru, had brought back from his recent trip down to the south where he had presented a week's writing course.

Sweden, the Caribbean, Taiwan, London, Scotland - from every part of the world they come to settle in beautiful Dordogne

The interviews are short little 'portraits' of a few minutes each that will be broadcast on Friday afternoons on France Bleu at 17h40, each a small account of an expat who has come to settle in this area. It should make for very interesting listening!
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