Wednesday, February 1

Recipe: Scrambled eggs with Truffles

...And a story on truffles cannot be complete without a recipe!

Here is a traditional recipe for scrambled eggs with truffles -- an easy recipe for anyone -- and importantly, if you have never tasted truffles and do not have ready access to fresh truffles, you can use a good truffle oil from your grocer or deli and then you, too, can experience the taste that have made kings and emperors dream since the beginning of time!


Ingredients for 4 persons :
8 very fresh eggs
80 g of butter
80 g fresh truffles*
2 spoonfull of thick fresh cream
salt & pepper

Put into a pan whith a thick bottom and well heated before, 50 g of tepid butter, 8 slightly whipped eggs and 80 g of roughly chopped truffles.* Season with salt and pepper.
Cook the eggs on a low fire or in a "bain-marie" and continuosly turn with a wooden spatula. Remove well from the edges of the pan the clotted parts of the eggs. The cooking must be done very slowly.
When the mixture is well homogenized and smooth, slighthy thickened and without lumps, remove the pan from the fire.
While you continue to turn the eggs with the wooden spatula, add 30 g of butter and 2 spoonfull of the thick fresh cream.
Serve with fresh crusty French bread.

* If you do not have fresh truffles, substitute with one large tablespoon of truffle oil.

Click on Link:
  • The St Alvère Truffle Market: Buy Online

  • Chateau Lalinde : The perfect venue for your event

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