Wednesday, August 4

Bordeaux the Beautiful - Sushi and cow pastures!

Always such a pleasure when I have to Bordeaux -- and Monday was no exception. I had a string of appointments in various parts of Bordeaux and went to all of them on foot -- a long walk, but without doubt the best way to see the city and all it has to offer!

One of the discoveries I made (and yes! I am probably the last on the planet to do so!) was the The SushiShop where I had the best sushi ever -- beautifully prepared and presented and fresh, fresh, fresh!

I now know that there are SushiShops all over Europe, that they deliver to your home -- they have a row of motocycles waiting outside their shops to bring your order -- and they change their menu regularly to keep you from getting sushi'ed out! Definitely look out for your nearest SushiShop -- excellent value!

Another lovely surprise were the cows. Yes -- the cows! There are dozens of cows all over Bordeaux -- grazing or chewing the cud on street corners, in squares, in parks, on pavements -- beautifully decorated and painted and accessorized. The Cow Parade started on June 7 -- when all the cows sailed down the Gironde, under and around the Pont St Pierre -- and runs through to September 14. Bordeaux has become a pasture for over 60 cows, that will be grazing at strategic points throughout the city, and with a few in chateaux in the surrounding vineyards.

I have had the pleasure of seeing the very first cows (I thought they were bulls, but there you go!) in Chicago in 1999. Then I also saw the Moose let Loose in Toronto and Crabs in Baltimore. A brilliant way to art raise awareness in cities, get new and already known artists in the limelight, beautify them at the same time, add a bit of fun -- and raise oodles of boodle for charity. These art exhibits of life-sized cows are all owned by various public and private institutions and companies, including around a dozen from the wine industry, and have been painted by a variety of artists.

CowParade is the largest public art event in the world, and has been staged in over 50 cities worldwide since 1999 including Chicago (1999), New York City (2000), London (2002), Tokyo (2003), and Brussels (2003). Dublin (2003), Prague (2004), and Stockholm (2004), Mexico City (2005), Sao Paulo (2005), Buenos Aires (2006), Boston (2006) Paris (2006), Milan (2007, and Istanbul (2007).

This is the first time in Bordeaux -- it has also been in Margaret River this year, good to see two wine regions getting on board!
• It is estimated that over 100 million people around the world have seen the cows.
• Over $20 million have been raised through worldwide charitable organizations through the auction of the cows, which take place at the conclusion of each event.
• Over 5,000 artists worldwide have participated in CowParade – professional and amateur, famous and emerging, young and old.

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