Monday, May 4

What’s Kafka-esque and French ?

I went to have a look on the French News site to see if there is any 'good' news about the newspaper yet --- French News was an excellent newspaper in the region edited by Miranda Neame, which very unfortunately went under in December 2008. I did find the 'good' news, namely that the newspaper was bought and that their may be even better news about the future of the newspaper soon. I do hope so -- as it was an excellent English newspaper for the many Anglophones in the Dordogne-Perigord!

While I was there, the above title caught my eye. I have recently been very busy trying to come to grips with the frighteningly confuzzling French Tax System, so the mention of Kafka and French Tax in the same title was prefectly logical to me. But I needed to read the rest. --- I am sure, even if you do not live here and have had no experience with French Tax, you would love the little vignette by Andy Crawford!

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Question: What's Kafka-esque and French?


Scene 1 – Main reception

Bonjour Madame – I have a quick question – should a sporting club register with the tax office?

Bonjour Monsieur - You need to go to the reception on the second floor

Scene 2 – Second floor reception

Bonjour Madame - I have a quick question – should a sporting club register with the tax office?

Bonjour Monsieur – You need to see our specialist – go to room 405

Scene 3 – Room 405

Bonjour Madame - I have a quick question – should a sporting club register with the tax office?

Bonjour Monsieur – Are you known to us?


Then I can’t answer your question

OK, can you tell me who can answer the question?

That depends - have you received gifts?


Have you given receipts for the gifts?


Ha – you do not have the right to give receipts.

Can you tell me how to get the right to give receipts for gifts?

You will have to visit the Departmental Tax Office.

And they will tell me how to get the right to give receipts for gifts?

I can’t answer that.

But if go and see them they will tell me what I should do to get the right to give a receipt for gifts?

It is possible you will not have the right

What will they take into account to decide?

I can’t answer that

Ok, I’ll go and see them and ask the question

Are you known to them?


Then they will not be able to answer your questions

So will I have to register with them first?

That will not be possible unless you are known to us here

So I can’t get an answer here before I’ve been to the departmental office, but they won’t give an answer until I’m known to you here?


I’ll give you a form to fill in – PAUSE WHILE FORM IS BROUGHT

If you fill in all the details of your association and bring it back here, then when they ask you at HQ if you are known here, you can say Yes.

But this is not registering?

No, it will just be so you are known to us. LOOKING AT FORM. This section needs a Siren number – to get a Siren number you need to fill in all your details and send the form to this address, they will send you back a Siren Number, which you can then send to this second address along with all your details, and they will send a Siret number.

I already have a Siren number

I thought you said you were not known to us

I am known to someone

But not us

So I will fill in my details, and my Siren number, and bring this back to you, and then ask HQ to be registered with them so they can answer how I can get the right to give receipts for gifts.


And if they say OK, what then?

Then come back and see us here and register with us

Then will you be able to answer my question?

Which question?

Whether I need to register with you.

from Andy Crawford, president of Tarn Cricket Club

Click on Link:

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