Saturday, May 26

Thunderstorms continue over the Southwest of France

Thank you to all the readers who have written, and even called to commiserate on the floods -- and for all the offers of help to mop up and clean up after the floods during the night! With friends like you, the firemen can continue to be on standby for those who have had it far worse than Chateau Lalinde. One can only hope that the rain will abate a little now for all the people on mid-term holiday in France - and especially for all my guests who are renting the chateau this week.

The violent storms caused much damage throughout the Southwest and in particular in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques and in Ariège There has been only one casualty as a result - an aged woman who was found drowned in her kitchen.

South of Pau about 500 people have had to be evacuated from their homes and more than 100 firemen in that area have been working tirelessly answering calls for help. But it is in the Midi-Pyrénées where the storm was at its most violent this morning at 01h00 and where an extra 50 firemen from neighbouring départements came to assist the 100+ already in that area. Helicopters were also called in to help in extreme cases. Several roads in the Aquitaine are closed, and pre-school centres in more than 12 communes were closed today.

In other areas of France the storms are also continuing,

and here in Lalinde, it continues to rain --- outside --- and inside the chateau! Now, why did I not think to call a handsome pompier for help?......

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  • Chateau Lalinde : The perfect venue for your event

  • Relocation Orientation in France

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